Baby Registry

Who knew there was SO. MUCH. BABY GEAR?? When I sat down to create Baby B’s registry, I became so overwhelmed. I didn’t even know where to begin. And to be totally honest, I didn’t even know what half the baby stuff was!

So, if you’re working on your own registry, here is our baby registry to use as a guide! I’m no baby expert, but I did TONS of research and ultimately chose these items for our baby girl. Once she arrives, I’ll let you know which products we loved and which ones didn’t work for us.

After totaling all of your recommendations, here’s the list of registry essentials:

Gabie Switzer Baby Registry


 1.  Owlet – I can’t tell you how many mamas recommended the owlet smart sock for peace of mind while baby sleeps. The sock tracks baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels and will alarm you if they drop. We purchased the Owlet because you can’t put a price on baby’s safety and peace of mind.

 2. DockaTot – Like the name suggests, this is a place for you to dock your baby. As much as I might want to, I know it’s unrealistic to hold the baby all day, so the DockaTot will give me a place to set her down while I cook, clean, or do whatever two-handed activity I’d like! And it’s so convenient that the removable cover is machine washable.

3. NoseFrida – Okay, so I don’t totally understand how this “snot-sucker” works (and quite frankly, I cringe at the thought of sucking snot from my baby’s nose), but SO many moms recommended it, that I had to give it a try. It also has 4.5 stars on Amazon with over 13,000 reviews… I trust y’all but if I get snot in my mouth, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO CHAT.

4. Boppy Nursing Pillow – Y’all said that this nursing pillow is so helpful for positioning baby while breastfeeding. And even if you’re not planning to breastfeed, the pillow doubles as a newborn lounger (baby can lie down on her back, stomach, or even sit up in it!). I ordered 2 pillow covers in case of accidents- they’re machine washable, which is SO convenient!

5. Hatch Baby Sound Machine – We all know that a sound machine is a MUST, but I chose this one because it’s a sound machine, night light, and time-to-rise alert in one. When your baby gets older, you can set the Hatch Baby to light up green when it’s okay to get up and come downstairs in the morning (so important to get some “me time” first thing each day!). I’m excited to use this for many many years.

6. MamaRoo Baby Swing – Have y’all seen this meme with the cat in the MamaRoo?? This is exactly how I hope my baby likes the swing haha! It has five speeds and five motions. You can even connect your phone to it through Bluetooth to play music! Since the MamaRoo is quite hefty, I think I’ll keep it downstairs (which is where I spend most of my time anyways!).

7. Baby Bjorn Bouncer – Initially, I was hesitant to get both a bouncer AND a swing. But, this bouncer is lightweight and portable, so I can easily move it around the house or collapse it to travel. I think I’ll use the bouncer while I shower or clean upstairs since she’ll be secure and safely elevated from the dogs. And unlike the MamaRoo swing, the baby bounces herself to create movement, which I’ve read helps develop coordination.

8. Wubbanub & Ryan & Rose Pacifiers – Both of these came highly recommended. I obviously don’t know which one my baby will prefer, but these are so cute I couldn’t pass them up. I also purchased these pacis because they’re much more affordable to replace over the years.

9. Halo Velcro Sleep Sacks – I call these “easy swaddles” and I love that you can swaddle your baby with arms in OR out of this sleep sack. I also bought the Nested Bean, which has a weighted bean on the chest to make baby feel more secure.

10. Uppababy Stroller and Mesa Carseat – It was a very close vote between 2-3 strollers y’all recommended, but the Uppababy came out on top. HOWEVER, I decided to go with the Nuna Mixx because I thought it was a smoother ride, simpler to collapse and re-open, and sleeker looking/feeling (I told you I’m gonna be a bad a** mom haha!). I was also sold on the Nuna Pipa Lite carseat (the lightest car seat on the market) from the get-go, so sticking with Nuna seemed most logical to me.

Am I missing anything?? Let me know if you have any other favorites or baby must-haves!

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  1. Allyson Edwards wrote:

    If we have a personalized gift for the baby, is there an address where it can be sent?

    Posted 4.16.20
  2. Carol Freedman wrote:

    Hi Gabie… I schmooze and interact with you and I THANK YOU when I hear back. You made a coMoment about a pillow to use for breast-feeding. As a volunteer Pediatric Cuddler in UNC’s Children’s Hospital (Chapel Hill). I find also cradling with a baby resting on a pillow helps. HOWEVER, do not place a baby on their stomach if they cannot turn over on their own. Also… the Children’s Hospital does NOT recommend crib bumpers. Extremely dangerous. Might want to share as most feel the look of a crib is ‘unfinished’ without. Much love and prayers. So proud of you! How blessed your home will soon be 🙌🙏❤️

    Posted 4.16.20
    • Megan wrote:

      Yes! We got mesh bumpers off of amazon which are breathable!

      Posted 4.16.20

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