Life Update!

Good morning and HAPPY TUESDAY, y’all! It feels like forever since I’ve shared what’s going on in my life!

Anyways, here’s what I’ve been up to lately…

We bought a house!!

We now officially call Pittsburgh our HOME! After moving around so much the past few years, it’s such an amazing feeling to have a place to belong and call home. I never in a million years thought I would live in Pittsburgh (or anywhere in the north to be honest), but we have absolutely fallen in love with this city! We live in the suburbs about 15 minutes from downtown. Our house is across the street from this huge park with tons of walking and biking trails – I try to walk or run there every day with the pups!

I’ve made great progress furnishing and decorating since we moved in this summer, but I still have SO much to do! It feels like an endless and ever-growing list with dollar signs allllll the way down haha! I’ll try to share more along the way and do room reveals as I finish them! Buying a house has been such a rewarding experience, but MAN, home ownership is no joke! Follow along on my Instagram for behind the scenes footage and all the craziness that is being a home owner in your twenties!

Steelers Heinz Field Game Day Outfit

Switzburgh official tee (will re-open soon!) // black denim skirt // similar wedge booties, also similar

We’re Steelers again!

Not gonna lie… the past few weeks have been sooo chaotic and stressful! I feel like August will forever be my least favorite month of the year – it’s a month full of unknowns, uncertainty, and waiting. Our NFL life has been full of so many highs and lows, but making the team again this year might just top them all! I feel like a lot of people look at our life and just see the joy and rush of game day, but the constant mental battle is no small feat. I am so incredibly proud of my husband for his mental toughness during training camp this year and his continued physical toughness every single week to keep us in Pittsburgh!

And this may seem silly, but y’all, we are actually making real adult friends here! Like, we’re being invited to dinners and cookouts and even hosting now that we have a house. This is our first year staying with the same team and I can’t explain how happy I am to not have to start all over with introductions and that awkward feeling of not knowing anyone on game day or at team events. I now attend a women’s small group every Wednesday morning with some lady Steelers and Ryan and I have also joined not one, but two Steeler’s couples bible studies. We’re really making a home here in SWITZBURGH and I am loving it!

All of that to say: GO TEN, GO STEELERS!!

Ryan and Gabie Switzer Steelers

black tee // jean shorts // leopard print sneakers

I quit my job!

This was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make, y’all. After graduating college, I got my DREAM job: a consultant for Ernst & Young. I remember sitting on my couch in 2017 when I got the call from my recruiter and she told me I got the job. My heart was pounding and I burst into tears as soon as we hung up the phone. I knew the job required travel – like serious travel, like Monday-Thursday every single week kind of travel, but I was so excited regardless. It was like I worked so hard my whole life to get to this point and this was finally the pay off. But, after a year and a half of being away from home and my husband and puppies, I had to reevaluate.

In one year’s time, I became a consultant, we got married, Ryan got traded twice, we moved 4 times from NC to TX to CA to PA, and we adopted two puppies. I don’t know about you, but that is a whole lot of life changes in 12 months! We prayed on the situation for 8 months before I made the decision to resign. At the time, it felt like a loss and I grieved. In my mind, it was like I left this familiar, certain, stable job and entered a realm of unknowns. But with each week that passed, I watched my marriage completely transform. I’m now the happiest and most fulfilled I’ve been in years. I’m making real friendships with great women, more involved in my community, helping women reach their fitness goals through Pure Barre, and a devoted wife to my husband.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you’re struggling to make a change because you’re afraid of the unknown, DO IT! And, don’t look back. It might just be the best decision of your life!

Business Woman Work Outfit

similar blazer, also similar // similar blouse, I also own this one // pants (similar here on SALE) // similar nude pumps

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Xx, Gabie

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  1. Kim Capwill wrote:

    So encouraging! I pray the best for you and Ryan…and Go Steelers!!

    Posted 9.11.19
  2. LeeAnn wrote:

    I recently decided to quit my job (of 11.5 years) to be a stay-at-home mom. I was like you and dreaded the endless questions of why. But having the freedom to be with my kids (6 yrs and 3 months) and take care of our home is priceless. I love every minute!

    PS: GO HEELS!!

    Posted 9.11.19
    • Gabie Switzer wrote:

      Congrats!! I’m so happy you had the courage to make a change and that you’re loving the extra time with your kids! Change is so necessary and can lead to so many beautiful things! GO HEELS, GO STEELERS!

      Posted 9.11.19
  3. Meredith wrote:

    Congratulations on everything!!! I love to watch you and Ryan grow. Congratulations on doing what you know is right!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

    Posted 9.11.19
  4. Tracy wrote:

    Congratulations!! I have , since having my son who just turned 5, been slowly working less. It’s much better for me mentally and to be in my families life more. I’m so very happy for you and wish you and Ryan the best!

    Posted 9.11.19
  5. Pat Stephenson wrote:

    So very touched that you and Ryan are so invested in your marriage by putting your faith at the top of your relationship. May you experience new blessings each day!

    Posted 9.11.19
  6. Kylie wrote:

    I’ve grown up watching you on senior elite and being one of my favorite “cheerleberties”. So to see you in a city not even an hr away from me is amazing and I’m so glad you like it! It’s incredible to see how you’re growing and giving me hope for my own life. Thank you an welcome to Pittsburgh!!!

    Posted 9.12.19
  7. Kylie wrote:

    I’ve grown up watching you on senior elite and being one of my favorite “cheerleberties”. So to see you in a city not even an hr away from me is amazing and I’m so glad you like it! It’s incredible to see how you’re growing and giving me hope for my own life just wanted to say thank you an welcome to Pittsburgh!!!

    Posted 9.12.19
  8. Katie Clairmont wrote:

    I just came across your blog and it’s so inspiring! I remember being 11 years old and at a cheer competition in myrtle beach doing an individual and I was going against you and Erica and was so excited to watch you! I too struggled with major life decisions and it’s so nice to know there are others out there going through it. My husband is active duty army lieutenant and we move constantly with both toddlers.. and every time we move the struggle is real because I’m young (25) and can never find friends in my situation and my age. Recently I joined a Mom group and sure they are all older but they are all so lovely! Currently stationed in Boston and totally loving it! Congrats on Ryan for being able to stay with the Steelers!

    Posted 9.24.19

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